The analysis Diameter Tool : AD Model
Burnt, wood undergoes both mass loss and charcoal fragmentation. Consequently, the distribution of the charcoal-pith distances does not indicate unburnt wood diameter. Therefore, an Analysis Diameter model (ADmodel) was developed, based on the fact that a trunk is biologically considered to be a stack of cones.These cones are hollow and their thickness corresponds to the amplitude of the diameter classes. It is based on a
calculation table that provides the respective distribution of these cones in terms of volume. The ADmodel breaks down unburnt wood diameter into an expected distribution of charcoal-pith distances. In return, the ADmodel is a helpful tool to interpret the distribution of charcoal-pith distances from a charcoal assemblage as unburnt wood diameter (UWD). However, this model does not reconstruct the initially quantity of burnt wood.
Dufraisse A., S. Coubray, O. Girardclos, N. Nocus, M. Lemoine, J.-L. Dupouey, D. Marguerie (2018). Anthraco-typology as a key approach to past firewood exploitation and woodland management reconstructions. Dendrological reference dataset modelling with dendro-anthracological tools. Quaternary International, Vol. 463, Part B : 232-249.
For more details, see
Dufraisse A. (2006). Charcoal anatomy potential, wood diameter and radial growth. A. Dufraisse (ed.), Charcoal analysis : new analytical tools and methods for archaeology. Papers from the table-ronde held in Basel (October 2004). Oxford : Archaeopress, p. 47-61 (BAR International Series).